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Digital Marketing

How to increase your blog traffic faster

Creating a blog and posting on it is not the end of everything. You need to popularize and promote it to get traffic. Whatever you post after working so hard, you need a response from the audience in the form of comments and actions. Here are some ways you can increase traffic to your blog:

Know your target audience

You need to assess the interests of your target audience and create your content accordingly. Assessing the needs of your audience is vitally important to being successful as a blogger. If you don’t, you’re missing the mark. Developing the content as per the requirements of your target audience is something that will determine your success in the long run. Start developing a buyer persona. The buyer persona includes the demographic and general interest of the audience.

Produce evergreen content

Create content that doesn’t become irrelevant over time. This type of content can live forever on the web and sparks interest in the minds of viewers for a long time. Make sure you don’t write time-related events that seem quite popular at one point and then lose their luster immediately after the news becomes stale.

Use of keywords and SEO

If you want to generate huge traffic to your website, using SEO related keywords is absolutely essential. If you start writing blog posts that don’t rack up Google searches, it’s no use; in fact, you’ll literally be wasting your time and energy by making all those efforts. Google performs countless searches on the Internet every day.

Long tail keywords are keywords that contain more than 3 phrases that generate targeted traffic on Google. Use such a long tail word that you increase your chances of getting higher ranks in Google. You can also take the help of Google Keyword Planner to generate long keyword phrases that generate high volume and low/medium competition. An SEO company or anywhere in the world can help you generate a specific amount of traffic.

Using the power of influencers

Influencers or famous people who have carved a niche for themselves in your target market can help you greatly increase the popularity of your blog. Influencers have a large following and a large following on various platforms on social media. Have them write for you so they become contributors to your blog.

By engaging them in activities related to your blog, you’ll get the ball rolling to strike the right chord. They bring with them a powerful distribution network. Asking them to mention your blog in their posts, sharing your posts on their social media accounts will definitely get you noticed.

Complete your Meta Description and h1 Tags

The keyword you are targeting should also be present in your title, URL, and description. From an SEO perspective, it’s a great idea to insert your keywords in the meta description as well as in the H1 and H2 headers. The meta description is a sentence that briefly describes your blog post.

Upload speed of your blog

Google has repeatedly stated that the loading speed of any website is one of the main criteria for ranking high on Google. It applies to your blog as well. In case your blog loads too slowly and doesn’t appear fast enough, they won’t even visit your website. Instead, they’ll hit the back button and move on to the next Google result. Make sure the blog is optimized for mobile devices.

It does not matter if it is a website design company or somewhere else, the loading speed of the website is an important criterion. In case you want to test the speed of your website, you can go to Google Insights and find out the current loading speed of the blog. By getting a score of 10, you will be able to find out how fast your loading speed is.


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