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How to tell if a baby is teething

Suppose you can see signs at three months. There are big differences for the onset of teething. Some parents may notice the signs as early as three months, and the tooth breaks through the gum by the age of four to seven months. Most children have all 20 baby teeth by the time they are three years old. If you pay attention to the signs of teething, you can be vigilant to examine the mouth of your baby’s teeth to ease their discomfort and clean the baby’s mouth of bacteria.

  • Be aware that some babies show no signs of teething. In these cases, you may notice when you look at the baby’s mouth for perforated teeth.

Examine the area of ​​your baby’s mouth. If you suspect that your baby is teething, you may want to see if you notice any signs around the mouth. You can look at the skin around your mouth and then look inside your mouth.

  • Make sure your hands and fingers are clean before examining your baby’s mouth so bacteria that can cause infection are kept under control.

  • Notice if you notice drooling or if your baby’s mouth is particularly wet. This is a good indication that your baby is teething or not for a long time.

  • Be on the lookout for a rash on the face or reddish skin if you check for drooling. A rash is usually a sign that your baby is teething. It may not be very dark, but if your baby’s skin is redder or redder than normal, it could be a rash.

  • Gently spread your baby’s lip to see the gums. Be aware that you can see bulging gums, especially around the molars. In other cases, you may notice a buildup of fluid that forms a bluish vesicle. This is completely normal and should be left alone.

  • Massage your baby’s gums when he feels like having hard teeth or spots. This can give your baby some relief while you can tell if his teeth are coming in.

Be on the lookout for excessive sucking or biting. Most babies show some physical symptoms of teething before the first tooth breaks through the gums. Many babies chew on or suck on toys, fingers, or other objects. If you notice your baby chewing or sucking on things more often, it is probably a sign that his teeth are already teething.

  • See if your baby rubs his gums with things he sucks or chews on. Many teething babies rub as well as suck and bite their gums.

Look at your baby’s ears. Babies often associate teething pain with their ears. If you notice your baby pulling or hitting his ears in addition to other symptoms, he may be teething.

  • Note that it is common for babies to pull or play with their ears out of curiosity. However, it can also be a sign of an ear infection. If you’re not sure whether the pull is related to teething or an ear infection, which can be serious if left untreated, call your pediatrician.

  • Other signs that indicate an ear infection include: Such as fever, a cold, or picky behavior when pulling at the ears, lying down, or drinking from a bottle

Feel the temperature. If your baby’s cheeks or skin are redder or feel hot, he may have a slightly elevated temperature from teething. However, you should keep in mind that teething only causes a slight increase in temperature. If your baby has a high fever, his teeth may be teething and something else is causing him a fever. In this case, call the doctor.

Watch your baby’s mood. In addition to the physical symptoms of teething, your baby may also show behavioral signs. Two of the most common signs are irritability and excessive crying.

  • See if your baby, despite your attempts to calm him, is more fussy than usual or even irritable. This can be the result of pain or discomfort due to teething. You may notice that the irritability or pinching is worse at night, because the eruption of the teeth is more active at night.

  • Make sure your baby cries more than normal in a few days. This can indicate teething, especially if your baby has other symptoms. However, you should be aware that excessive crying can be a sign of flatulence, colic, or other ailments, such as: B. an ear infection.

Check for changes in the eating pattern. Since teething can make your baby uncomfortable in the mouth, it can affect his eating habits or patterns. Pay close attention to how much your baby eats and whether he eats, which can be a sign of a broken tooth or teething.

  • Make sure your baby is suddenly breastfed or drinks from the bottle when he usually takes solid foods. This may be because a fork or spoon irritates the baby’s swollen gums. Or maybe your baby prefers to eat solid foods because the pressure of the silverware on the gums feels good.

  • Be aware that your baby withdraws from breastfeeding or bottle feeding because the suction puts uncomfortable pressure on the gums and ear canal.

  • Accompany your baby to the pediatrician if he does not eat. This can be the result of the tooth or other ailments. In either case, your doctor can help you diagnose and treat the problem.

Be careful with the baby’s sleep. Since tooth eruption usually occurs at night, teething can disrupt your baby’s sleep. Be on the lookout for changes in your baby’s nightwear. Such as wakefulness or sleep interruptions. The same can also apply to sleeping during the day. If your baby shows these symptoms along with other teething symptoms, his teeth may soon come out.

  • Remember that disturbed sleep can cause or increase your baby’s fussiness or fussiness.

Give your baby a tooth toy. The pressure of chewing on such a toy can help ease any discomfort in your baby. From tooth rings to teeth, you can try different toys to soothe your baby.

  • Put a damp cloth in the refrigerator or freezer for 30 minutes and let your baby chew on it. Make sure the washcloth doesn’t harden, as this can squeeze your baby’s swollen gums.

  • Chill a rubber teether in the fridge and give it to your baby. You should never put such rubber rings in the freezer or cook them for sterilization. Extreme changes in temperature can damage rubber or plastic and cause chemicals to escape. You should also make sure you never tie a teething ring around your baby’s neck because you can strangle him with it.

Give your baby cold food and water. All the coldness can help ease your baby’s discomfort. Give your baby a cold drink or something cold to eat to help him feel better. This can also help a baby who is having difficulty eating due to the discomfort of obtaining vital nutrients.

  • Let your baby drink a bottle of ice water if he is older than six months. If your baby is less than six months old, you can drink a little water (30 to 60 ml) without ice cubes from a bottle or cup. Do not give to babies more than once or twice a day, unless recommended by the pediatrician.

  • Give your baby refrigerated foods such as yogurt, peaches, or applesauce to soothe the gums. You can also give him an ice lolly or freeze fruits like bananas and prunes in a baby feeder with a mesh bag. The bag prevents your baby from choking on food. Give your baby only frozen and cold cakes or foods if they are already eating solid foods. Make sure your baby is upright if you give these things.

Pay attention to what to avoid. There are many remedies that can soothe a baby’s teething, but there are also some that you should avoid. Alcohol and dental gels or tablets can be harmful to your baby’s health. Avoid the following to ease a teething baby’s discomfort:

  • Place an aspirin tablet on a tooth or gum

  • Eliminate alcohol on your baby’s gums

  • Give your baby a dental tablet

  • Massage gels or numbing gels on the baby’s gums because some of them contain medications that can be dangerous for babies.

  • Put on an amber necklace for your baby because it cannot help and suffocate your baby.

  • Apply whiskey to the baby’s gums; this can stun the child and be dangerous.

Talk to the dentist. If you are concerned about your baby’s teeth coming out, make an appointment with the dentist. In an investigation, you can identify potential problems and schedule treatment for them.

  • Let the dentist know if you have specific concerns. You may want to tell you what signs and symptoms your baby has shown and what you have done to alleviate them.

These tips will help your baby, to learn more about baby teething


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