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How to write revealing titles

A title tells the reader what to expect in the content of your writing.

Readers often prefer nonfiction titles to give a clearer idea of ​​the content, while a fictional title may only give a hint that is resolved as the story is read.

I’m sure every time you read a newspaper or magazine, you scan the headlines to find out which articles you want to read and which ones to ignore. This is common, and is why publishers consider titles very carefully.

In order to attract the attention of the reader, it has become fashionable these days to make titles as clever as possible. Some may be puns; others may be designed to make you question what the article or story is about so that you at least take a look at it. The results can be hilarious or ridiculous. Funny or cute titles occasionally backfire, and I’m sure you’ve laughed at titles that clearly convey a different message than the writer intended.

So what is a good title?

• Calls the reader’s attention. This is best done using active verbs, specific nouns, and well-chosen descriptive adjectives.

• It is appropriate to the content, giving an honest hint of what it contains.

• It is appropriate to the style of the content. (For example, you wouldn’t write a cute title for a eulogy.)

• Is as concise as can be, while saying everything that is needed. Long titles went out of style decades ago.

Your headline will draw readers in or tell them that your article won’t interest them. By the way, it’s okay for a reader not to be interested. Not writing appeals to everyone.

Since you are now aware of what you are trying to achieve, how do you write fantastic and ‘telling’ titles?

Here are some tips:

• Try to condense the meaning or theme of your writing as clearly as possible. However, this does not mean that you have to summarize the whole story so well, including the conclusion, that there is no incentive for people to read it.

• Can you use a key quote or phrase within your article or story?

• An appropriate pun can work. This could be done by rephrasing a familiar cliché or phrase.

• Alliteration, in which each of the main words in the title begins with the same sound, is often effective.

• If you’re writing a how-to article, including ‘DIY tips’ or ‘how to’ in your title might seem boring, but it’s still useful because people search for information using these types of phrases.

Sometimes a title will clearly form in your head before you start, but other times it won’t, so it doesn’t matter if you decide on the title before or after you’ve finished the item.

Spend time composing the best headline you can and your efforts will be rewarded with interest.


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