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I Accidentally Cheated On My Wife: How To Get Her Back After Cheating In 3 Simple Steps

So you accidentally cheated on your wife. and you want to get her back, but it’s turning out to be a little harder than you thought.

Perhaps you feel terribly cheated on by your wife, but at the same time a small part of you finally feels relief at the distance created by your affair?

Whatever your situation, there are a few things you’ll need to do before you can expect your wife to return to your marriage. What I would like to do in this article is make it as easy as possible for you to get through this difficult time in your relationship.

How to get your wife back after accidentally cheating

As you continue reading this article, I will go over 3 different things you will need to do throughout the process of saving your marriage. If you want to recreate your marriage in a way that preserves your dignity and respect for him as a man.

In fact, by following these 3 steps, you could very well rebuild a marriage that was even better than the last!

First – Reflect on the real reason for your infidelity

While many feminist types will tell you that the only reason men cheat is for sex, and the only reason women cheat is for love (or some other noble reason), the fact is that sex is rarely is the only reason for infidelity.

Why do I say that?

Because any man in a stable and healthy marriage will still be able to easily resist any and all temptations that come his way.

A man in a healthy marriage will not be tempted by sex, because there is nothing lacking in his sex life, or in any other area of ​​his marriage.

Now, I am in no way saying that your infidelity was your wife’s fault. No problem. You shouldn’t have cheated, but what I’m saying is that it’s important that you identify what caused you to go astray in your previous marriage.

Second – Identify what you want from your new marriage

Once you know what in your previous marriage caused you to stray from your vows of fidelity, then you have at least one thing you want to change in your new relationship.

However, chances are there is more than one problem in your marriage. If you really want to be happy, you need to create a set of goals for your renewed relationship.

For example:

  • Do you want your wife to treat you with more respect? Many men cheat because they feel like they are totally unnecessary in their relationship.
  • Do you want to feel more like a man? Many men have affairs because they feel a subconscious need to prove their masculinity to someone other than themselves. Being confident as a man is extremely important.
  • Everyone wants a better sex life. – Why not make it one of your goals to create a relationship where you and your wife are constantly reaching new levels of passion?

Any of these are perfectly good goals for your new marriage, but feel free to think of as many as you see fit. There’s nothing wrong with aiming for the moon, at least you’ll land on some stars!

Corny, I know.

Third – How to make your wife WANT YOU back

Listen, I’m sure you still have a couple of questions about getting your wife back. Unfortunately, as much as I would like it to be, this is not a simple matter.

But, this is what I’m going to do for you:


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