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Increase collagen in your body naturally with food

Collagen is a type of protein and works with keratin to provide skin with strength, smoothness, elasticity and resilience. It is produced by the skin and other parts of the body. When you’re young, you have a lot of collagen in your body, which is why little boys have such beautiful, shiny hair and smooth skin. It is known as the cement that holds everything together. As you age, collagen production slows and your skin weakens, this is when your skin becomes wrinkled and sagging.

The skin is made up of three layers, epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The second layer of the skin (dermis) is where the collagen protein is found. Collagen molecules are grouped throughout the dermis.

There are ways to help you increase the collagen in your skin, so you should know what nutrients your body really needs to do this.

Soy products like soybeans and cheese contain an element known as genistein. The presence of genistein gives soy products collagen-building qualities, as well as helping to block enzymes that tend to break down and age skin. Almost any soy product contains enough genistein to be useful, including soy products that have been developed as substitutes for meat products. Personally, I can’t eat edamame or any soy product unless it’s fermented, like miso. Two one week periods were a problem, after eating tofu every day for two weeks. Other plant foods that have been shown to contain genistein include alfalfa and clover sprouts, barley flour, broccoli, cauliflower, and sunflower, caraway, and clover seeds. Barley, cauliflower, and sunflower are all blood types specific for blood type A.

Dark green vegetables are also excellent examples of foods that contain collagen-producing agents. Add dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and kale. Cabbage (which is great for blood type B) and mustard greens and turnip greens are blood type specific, try to include a little in your diet every day. They are packed with an antioxidant called lutein. You need 10 mg to get results, which is about 4 oz. of spinach or 2oz. of kale Recent French research suggests this will increase skin hydration and elasticity, fighting wrinkles. Rich in vitamin C, regular consumption of kale, spinach, collards, and asparagus helps strengthen the body’s ability to make collagen and utilize protein effectively.

Beans help your body produce a vital anti-aging substance called hyaluronic acid. Try to eat at least two tablespoons of beans each day. Find your best beans in Healthy Holiday Bean Treats for each of the different blood type recipe dropdown menus.

Red fruits and vegetables are also excellent sources to increase the collagen content of food in the diet. The presence of lycopene in these types of foods helps to act as antioxidants, which in turn increases collagen production. Try adding red bell peppers and beets, great for B blood types, and fresh or stewed tomatoes, great for O blood types. For others, watermelon is a great source of lycopene. Also include sweet potatoes (good for everyone except blood type A), carrots, and more. Research by Dr. Ronald Watson of the University of Arizona found that antioxidants in red, yellow and orange foods accumulate under the skin creating additional protection against UV rays. “The effect is so strong that eating six servings a day for about two months will create a natural barrier equivalent to a factor four sunscreen.”

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C are natural sources of collagen production. You should try to include citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemons, pineapple, and strawberries in your daily diet.

One of the main causes of skin aging is the attack of substances called free radicals, which degrade healthy skin tissue. Antioxidants help neutralize these free radicals before they can do any damage. Blueberries are a close second. Eat five to six plums, or a small basket of blueberries, every day for a big health boost. Prunes also help if you have osteopenia, to prevent long bone fractures.

Omega acids also help create an ideal environment for collagen production. Fish like salmon and tuna are excellent sources of omega fatty acids. Nuts like walnuts, almonds for all bodies, and Brazil nuts for blood type B and AB also contain healthy amounts.

Flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts (in addition to cold-water fish) are important sources of healthy omega-3 fats. Skin cells are surrounded by a layer of fat made from this and other fats, so the higher your omega-3 intake, the stronger that layer and the plumper your skin cells will be, which helps to hide lines and wrinkles. Mix it into smoothies or add it to balsamic vinegar and use as a salad dressing, but try to have a tablespoon each day. In Facebook posts, a man says that flaxseeds are estrogenic. If you’re concerned about cancers of the breast and uterus, it’s a good idea to stay away from estrogenic compounds. Chia seeds are great.

Sulfur-rich foods are also important for collagen production. Among these are green and black olives, (limit or avoid) fresh cucumbers, and fresh stalks of celery. Working in conjunction with sulfur, vitamin A-rich vegetables also help keep collagen levels high. Try adding raw carrots, fresh cantaloupe, and baked sweet potatoes (for everyone except blood type A) to the diet for an extra boost.

Turkey contains a vital skin protein called carnosine that slows down a process in the skin called cross-linking. When this happens, the fibers grow into the collagen in the skin, making it stiff and inelastic. The inelasticity prevents the skin from receding when you do things like smile, laugh, or frown, and this is what causes expression lines or crow’s feet. Eat turkey two to three times a week.

Chocolate is really good for the skin. In studies conducted in Germany, it was found that after drinking a beverage packaged with cocoa, blood flow to the skin was boosted (meaning you get higher levels of nutrients and moisture). It also seemed to be more protected against UV damage. However, only dark chocolate contains enough antioxidants to have an effect. Healthy Holiday Bean Delights contain cocoa with dark chocolate.

Manuka Honey is a special honey from New Zealand with unique healing properties. It has been used in skin care for centuries by the Maori of New Zealand and it is easy to understand why. When used topically, Active Manuka Honey can restore and rejuvenate your skin. It supports the skin cell renewal process and helps in the formation of stronger collagen proteins. As a bonus, active manuka honey is rich in antioxidants and helps reduce blemishes.

Rose hips are one of the plant extracts that can present a rich source of collagen. They contain a high level of vitamin C, which is good for collagen production.

Avocado Oil If you want to know how to produce collagen naturally, you need to use face masks or creams that contain avocado oil. Avocado Oil is deeply moisturizing and highly compatible with the skin’s natural oils. Avocado oil is high in plant steroids, which help reduce blemishes and age spots. It also helps regenerate and rejuvenate skin damaged by free radicals. Avocado oil is important because it is scientifically proven to stimulate collagen production and increase the proportion of soluble collagen in the skin’s dermis. And don’t forget to include fresh avocados in your favorite salad and soup recipes. I added a great guacamole recipe.

One of the key points to keep in mind is that it is possible to provide everything your body needs to produce collagen with a balanced diet. By including some of the foods mentioned here, you will soon start to see a difference in the quality of your skin tone.


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