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Is he seriously interested in me or is it just a big game? you will know the truth now

Many times you wonder if the guy you are dating is really interested enough to take the relationship to higher levels. If he is alert and smart enough to detect the signs, he will have no doubts about his intentions and feelings. Here are some ways to tell how serious he is!

He’ll hate losing sight of you even for a day!
If the guy is really crazy about you, he will hate being without you even for a moment. He will do his best to spend all his time in his company. If you’re not around, he starts to feel bereft, lost, and bewildered! You will know that he is really serious when he wants you around all the time.

His search for you will be slow.
If he has decided that you are the woman for him, then he will pursue you with all his heart, mind and soul! He will be firm and persistent where you are concerned and he will not give up the chase. Nothing you say or do will discourage him from trying to get you in the end.

Will move heaven and earth to get your attention
Because he is serious about you, he will do anything to get your attention, approval, and interest. You are the ultimate goal and he is out to achieve success. You’ll find him wanting to impress you left, right, and center! Don’t be surprised if he is always on his best behavior around you.

He will cherish the moments you spend together.
Every moment you spend with him will be cherished and cherished. If he is serious with you, he will remember every detail about you. He will want each moment to last forever and will show you that he adores you. Not only will he go out of his way to make you feel special and loved, but he will ensure that there are many precious moments to come.

He will not take the relationship lightly.
One thing is for sure: he will never take you for granted and will not take the relationship lightly. He will do everything to make it meaningful and long-lasting. IF he is serious with you, he will go out of his way to establish a good, solid foundation of love and trust between you.

He will push you towards a more serious relationship.
You can be sure of one thing: he will never be satisfied with a few miserable dates with you. The fact that he is seriously in love with you means that he will want a more meaningful relationship with you. He will push you towards a lasting commitment.

You won’t want to settle for less
A man who doesn’t take his wife seriously will have no scruples or care about the whole relationship. If he is serious, he will not settle for anything less than a meaningful, serious and loving relationship. You will know that your guy really cares when he is always loving, caring and responsible towards you.


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