
Who runs the world? Tech.


Join the board and grow your network

Volunteering has for many years been a strategy for aspiring socialites, self-made millionaires, rising corporate executives, and solopreneur consultants to expand and enhance their social and professional networks. Serve on the Right Board of Directors The board provides opportunities to build strategic relationships, gain social credibility, learn new skills, and support a worthy cause just like you do. Volunteering is the best way to do good by doing good and your monetary donations are tax deductible.

The Machiavellians among us may choose an organization that seems to have the best business network or the best potential for upward mobility (or both!), but I suggest that those looking for a good volunteer opportunity start with a list of causes that are meaningful to you. If you’re not sure where to start, consider volunteering at your alma mater, your children’s school, or your local Rotary Club.

Board service is at the top of the volunteer pyramid and not everyone is invited to participate at that level. However, most nonprofits hold an annual fundraising event, and sometimes additional volunteer help is needed on the day of the event. That tactic would take a look behind the scenes at the organization, its leadership team and board, in action and celebrating the vision and mission.

You can meet and work with one or two board members, meet the CEO, and decide if you want to talk to someone about joining the board. Keep in mind that many boards come with an expected level of financial support that can reach four-figure sums (and higher). Visit the organization’s website and ask to speak to the Director of Development or Marketing about short-term volunteer opportunities.

There are also corporate boards that one can serve on, but those groups are for very well connected and influential people. A path to corporate (paid) directory service might begin with relationships developed during non-profit (unpaid) directory service, but one must still have very formidable professional credentials and leadership-level job titles. Here are some tips to keep in mind when contemplating your role as a volunteer:

Choose the right organization

You’ll be happiest donating your skills and money to an organization whose mission you strongly support and which should guide your choice. Your work on the board should feel like a privilege and not a chore.

be outstanding

Take your commitment to the board or committee seriously if you expect the influential people you hope to impress to take you seriously. Take the time to complete your board or committee tasks on time. Be enthusiastic, if not passionate, and a good team player. If you are lucky enough to be asked to chair a committee, please share the credit for success with your committee members.

add value

While your volunteering may be at the center of your professional or social agenda, you should approach volunteering as someone who wants to contribute and make a positive difference. Consider the organization’s mission and goals, along with your own. Raise your hand when leadership opportunities present themselves. Demonstrate how your unique skill set benefits the organization.

Be a passionate visionary

As a board member, it will be your responsibility to enable the organization to achieve long-term goals that accurately reflect and enable the vision and mission. Suggest that strategic planning be done so that key staff members can join the board and devise possible strategies for the future. In any case, bring your creative energy and practical insights to every board meeting.

be a team player

Make it look good and create the conditions where your fellow board members and committee members experience satisfaction in your service and find more success for you as you do. Inspire board and committee members to do their best work by modeling that behavior yourself. Always recognize the good work and dedication of others on your committee and board.

When you follow the guidelines outlined above, you will set yourself apart as a senior board member who is a real asset to the organization. Influencers who are in a position to recommend those with their specialty will no doubt be eager to refer a colleague whose work they can personally endorse and their Solopreneur consultancy will reap the rewards.

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