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Law of Attraction Superhero: Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson is a superhero of the law of attraction. Hope for…?

I can understand why this would seem absurd at first; However, just listen to me and you’ll see what I mean, and maybe even learn a thing or two that you can bring back to your law of attraction practice!

First, Marilyn Manson is a law enforcement superhero because he “fake it till he made it.” And while that’s an NLP tagline, it applies to LOA as well. Before he was famous, he himself would book shows and act like he was LA’s next big thing on tour, and because of that, he often got better bookings and pay than someone in his status. Because he acted like a big-name celebrity would and accepted no less, he was accepted as such.

Next, Marilyn Manson rode the wave of a group he disagreed with all the way to the top. Marilyn Manson was provocative and convinced many suburban teens to question authority and religion. This scared and angered many of the teens’ parents, causing a large section of the disturbed parents to forbid their children from listening to their music. (Anyone who knows kids knows this is the quickest way to turn them into something… maybe parents should ban eating healthy and being happy!) But even better than this, it continued to infuriate parents and religious groups until that they began buying their music, videos and other merchandise and burning them en masse in front of churches. And even better, they started protesting their shows.

This is the law of attraction that works for Marilyn and parents and religious groups. And strange as it may seem at first, the religious groups got just what they wanted. All of these tactics to remove Marilyn Manson and his music from his children’s lives not only increased his overall sales and thus secured more music, more videos, bigger tours, etc., but pushed him further into the mainstream. center of attention by drawing attention to it. The more they pushed against him, the bigger he got. This is because if you include something (wanted or unwanted) in your experience and push against or for it, you will see it over and over and over again. The key to removing things from your experience is to ignore them and consider better alternatives.

The most ironic thing about this is that parents would stand outside shows like Ozzfest protesting Marilyn Manson while inside were bands that make Mr. Manson look like Barney by comparison (eg Cannibal Corpse). In all his focus on Manson, he missed out on the other stuff his kids might be exposed to, especially since the vilest lyrics are often unintelligible to people who don’t listen to much metal.

Finally, Marilyn Manson himself focused on darkness and negativity. As his career progressed, he attracted people who accused him of intense negativity: religious people protested against him, his parents hated him, and accused him of causing violence like school shootings. So while on one hand this made him popular and in the news, this also made him a target for a lot of negative rhetoric that would make a superhero sidelined. However, he was able to put this aside and still makes music to this day.


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