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Learn how to rebuild intimacy after a breakup

Is it possible to rebuild intimacy after a breakup? Well, the question is difficult to answer, but the answer can be a ‘yes’ if you are willing to work for it. It takes years to find that ‘someone special’, understand him and build a romantic relationship, but it only takes a few seconds to break the relationship, which once seemed more beautiful than anything else in this world. Therefore, when you enter a love relationship, prepare yourself mentally to face one of the most distressing realities of an intimate relationship: the painful fact that your romantic relationship can lead to either of two obvious conclusions, whether it is a relationship for life . commitment or a painful breakup.

Although a painful breakup seems like a permanent “end point” in your relationship, it can lead to a more intimate reunion if you make an honest effort. The following are some steps both of you can take to restore the intimacy you once experienced in your past relationship:

1) Take inventory of your failed relationship. In other words, just look back at your past, analyze all the good times you had in your previous relationship, and also try to assess the main issues that caused the breakup. This will help both of you remember all those memorable little and big moments, especially the moment that brought you together. The key point here is that if, instead of the breakup, the arc of the relationship is unearthed, intimacy paves its own way.

2) Rebuilding intimacy after a breakup is like starting a new relationship all over again. To keep it simple, it’s like building a new building on an old foundation! Therefore, if you truly want to restore emotional and physical intimacy in your relationship, avoid all situations, settings, and circumstances that remind you or your partner of your breakup.

3) Before considering returning to intimacy, make sure you take your time to re-establish yourself as an individual. Your old entity that had suffered the impact of a breakup cannot enter into a new relationship. Therefore, to create a new intimacy, you and your partner must bring the new you to the meeting.

By following these steps, you will definitely be able to rebuild the intimacy in your past relationship. Most people, after a breakup, do not accept the emptiness in their lives and try to get back together with their ex simply for the illusion of intimacy and a sense of security. But reconciling after a breakup without changing oneself or following the steps above is not good, as it will definitely lead to a second, more painful breakup. Therefore, as you strive to reconcile, keep in mind that there is a big difference between a transitory feeling born of unease and a deeper desire to correct past mistakes and revive a mature relationship.


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