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Masturbation Techniques to Avoid to Improve Penile Health

Every day masturbation brings pleasure, comfort, relaxation, and stress relief to millions of men. Even those with a steady partner can feel the need for the direct feel of a little solo game, and for men with no easy prospect in the offing, a date with Rosie Palm is always a sure thing. However, despite the pleasure, not to mention the considerable health benefits, of a little innocent masturbation, doing things the wrong way can lead to serious problems. The penis is a delicate tool, and using masturbation techniques that are too harsh or too risky can lead to loss of sensation, injury, and even loss of male function. Here are some of the potentially harmful approaches to one’s own pleasure, as well as some therapeutic suggestions for penis care.

Masturbation techniques to avoid:

1. Pushing or pushing while lying on your stomach – Young men, and newbies to the act in particular, may find that lying on their stomachs and getting into a blanket, pillow, or other padded object is a good way to imitate a real partner. Unfortunately, these materials lack a slippery surface, and constant rubbing against fabric can cause friction that can damage skin and nerve cells. Worse yet, a thrust from the wrong angle can cause erectile tissue to rupture, leading to severe pain and injury that may require surgical correction.

2. death’s grip – This particular condition is not medically recognized, but men who have the problem know when they have it. It occurs when the same technique is used over and over again, because it feels right and just plays. The problem is that after a while, the nerves get so used to this that, at first, they don’t recognize any other kind of pleasant sensation; and second, even the tried and true can fail after a while, because the sensory nerves essentially get “bored” with the process. Experimenting with different types of touching can help men avoid this problem.

3. Use of household objects with narrow openings– Short and simple: While it can be tempting to mimic the female anatomy with objects like bottles, knot holes, or other tube-like contraptions, men should think about the inevitable ER visit that will occur when things go wrong. or get stuck.

4. forget the lube – While men often look for a lube, not finding one out there is usually not a dig once procedures have begun and the man has gotten going. However, not using a lubricant can lead to pain, irritation, and inflammation of the skin that is not pretty to look at and can cause considerable pain in the penis.

5. Use of inappropriate materials as lubricants – On the other hand, using the wrong lube can also cause irritation and even allergic reactions, so it’s best to stick with a fluid designed for that purpose.­

Penis therapy for every man

While chronic rough handling or sudden injury can certainly lead to penile pain and loss of sensation, there’s no need to panic or give up the pleasures of masturbation altogether. Some smart penile treatment decisions can promote healing and, in many cases, lost penile sensation can be restored.

Penile care involves the following:

  1. Clean Properly: Regular washing is necessary for general penile health, and after a closet session, it’s a good idea to clean off any lubricants, lotions, or other substances that may be left behind.
  2. Give it a break: While the urge to grab can come up multiple times a day, sometimes it’s wise to ignore the call and allow the penile tissues to rest and heal. Saving some for another day can give tissues the time they need to repair themselves and return to normal function and feel.
  3. Application of a moisturizing and nourishing cream: penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is designed specifically for the tender skin of the manhood may be just what the doctor ordered (so to speak) in terms of promoting penile health and preventing problems like redness, raw skin, dryness, itching, and even loss of sensitivity. Using a nourishing cream every day, after you shower, can replenish nutrients and moisture lost from masturbation, rubbing against clothing, and the other daily wear and tear your pack is forced to endure.


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