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Overcome school stress with positive thinking

Let’s face it, school is stressful. There’s just no way to study and prepare and do all the things you need to do, and not feel like it sometimes. Students of all ages, from toddlers in kindergarten to middle-aged people earning master’s degrees, experience some stress.

We can’t eliminate school stress, but we can do a lot to minimize its impact on us. After all, even if we get stressed, we still have to do our best and do our job. The key to dealing with school stress is understanding what causes it.

what stresses you out

Deadlines are a major school stressor. Everything is due at a certain time, and this makes us worry if we will make it. You have an exam tomorrow, and wondering if you’re ready for it prevents you from preparing for it!

Most of us are natural procrastinators. Leaving everything to the last minute puts a lot of pressure on us. Poor time management and procrastination make the deadline look deadly! Poor time management is a symptom of a larger problem: disorganization. If you are 100% organized in everything you do, your school life will be very easy. But how many of us can say we are?

Finally, a major stressor for students is the simple fear of not making it. With deadlines, tests, things to do, our own messy disorganization, and a wide range of teachers’ expectations of us, we simply worry about whether or not we’ll pass.

look on the bright side

You cannot fully organize yourself and do the whole day that you are assigned. But, you can remove your fear of not measuring up. This is the number one stressor that hinders superior school performance, and it can be overcome very easily.

The reason you’re afraid of failing is because it’s what you tell yourself every day. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. This means that if you are chanting to yourself over and over, “I will fail”, then you will fail. No doubt about it. These self-defeating attitudes can be paralyzing for people.

What if, instead of saying “I’ll fail. I’ll fail,” you started saying to yourself every day, “I’ll pass with flying colors!”?

This is called “positive affirmation” and is a tool used by psychiatrists to treat major emotional disorders. However, anyone can do it. Clear the mind of negative thoughts and infuse positive thoughts in their place. It is the key to success in overcoming school stress.

Simply identify your negative thoughts. What do you tell yourself every day that is bringing you down? Now turn them in a positive direction. Pick a few key phrases and repeat them several times throughout the day. Whenever you feel that negative, self-defeating thought sneaking up on you, counter it with your positive affirmation.

It sounds too easy to work with, but it works like a charm. Your self-destructive attitude can defeat you, so replace it with a positive one.


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