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paint kitchen cabinets

Over time, grease, water, heat, stains, and food residue leave indelible marks on once-beautiful kitchen cabinets. If you don’t want to spend a large sum of money buying new cabinets, you should study your options carefully and you will find a way out. Instead of replacing the cabinets, you can think about giving them a face lift by repainting them. Do the work yourself and you can further reduce costs. Of course, there will be an added bonus of the creative satisfaction you’ll get from doing the job yourself.

If you decide to paint your kitchen cabinets, keep in mind that the job could well take up to three days. This will mean three days of eating out, so schedule work when it’s most convenient.

The first thing is to decide the color. To do this, consider factors such as the color of the kitchen walls as well as that of the tiles. The size of your kitchen should also be considered. Also keep in mind that light colors give the impression of spaciousness.

Next, decide if you want to paint both the inside and outside of the cabinets. A paint job requires a minimum of three days, and if you decide to paint the interior as well, you’ll have the added task of emptying the drawers.

The first step in the paint job involves the cleaning process. That means you have to remove dust and grease stains. Remember that cleaning for a do-it-yourself paint job is different from the usual hygienic cleaning pattern you follow.

Cleaning ensures a uniform and homogeneous paint finish.

Examine the surface carefully for cracks and damage because paint will not cover these blemishes. Use coarse sandpaper to clean surfaces and file scratch marks and cavities with wood filler.

Once this is done, prune away the old enamel surfaces with a primer. You can choose between an oil-based primer and a water-based primer. Choosing an oil-based primer is a better option because paint adheres to it easily.

While painting the studs, cover the countertop with masking or painter’s tape. Start the paint job from the least accessible spots and work your way out. Next, paint the inner surfaces first, and then move on to the outer ones.

You may also consider using spray paint to give your work an even, uniform look. When you’re done, allow plenty of time for the drying process, and then reassemble the cabinet to its original position. The new, fresh, clean and aesthetic look will give you the joy of a day’s work well done.


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