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Legal Law

Robbery and Theft: The Law in Florida

If you are convicted of a crime related to a robbery or theft in Florida, you could face some life-changing consequences. Even if the theft or theft does not cause any bodily harm to another person, it would still be considered serious in nature and the State of Florida has some very serious sentences for those convicted. It is important to hire a good criminal defense attorney to fight any charges against you.

Types of Burglary and Theft Crimes in Florida

The following list includes the different types of charges that are considered crimes in this category under Florida law.

Property Theft: All violations involving theft of any type of property will be included in this category. It is then classified based on the value of the property that has been taken. So anything worth more than $300 is a felony and the amount will determine the category of the felony which will then decide the amount of sentence the individual should be given.

possession of stolen property: Anyone who traffics or attempts to traffic in goods that they know to be stolen is committing a crime and is considered a fairly serious crime. Possession of stolen property is a second degree felony.

Theft: While you think shoplifting just includes stealing something, the definition is much broader and includes a number of other things, such as removing or altering a label, code, or price tag, transferring the merchandise to a different container, or removing a shopping cart. with the intent to deprive the owner of the car.

Embezzlement: Embezzlement is when a person takes another person’s money or property by abusing a position of trust or official job. It is generally not a violent crime and is considered a “white collar” crime. For example, if a senior executive of a company deposits company money into his own account for his personal use, it would amount to embezzlement.

Theft: Theft can be petty theft or grand theft. In both cases, it involves taking another person’s property without their consent and with the intent to deprive the person of the use or ownership of the property. If the property is worth less than $300, it falls into the petty category, while anything above that is grand theft.

credit card fraud: Lying to a person with the intention that they part with something of value based on the lie is called fraud. So, in the case of credit cards, this fraud could be over the Internet by obtaining the person’s credit card information online without their consent or through personal contact with the person and then using the information to illegal personal gain.


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