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Utilize storage space in kitchen sink cabinets

Cabinet space under the kitchen sink has always been a waste. With the moisture that comes from being so close to the sink, and much of the area taken up with pipes, traps, and disposals, there really isn’t much room for storage. However, new technologies are making it possible to utilize more kitchen sink cabinet space so you’re not faced with a lot of dead space that you could so desperately use for storage.

One of the most frequently seen innovations is the small fold-out drawers along the edge of the cabinet where it meets the countertop. Historically, this was nothing more than a ventilated space designed to allow moisture to escape. Now, however, it is being put to better use. Although the spaces created are small, they are very useful for items like sponges and scrubbers. These are the unattractive items you used to have to keep in plain sight on the edge of the sink or bend down to stow or retrieve from under the sink.

Pull-out drawers, shelves, and wire baskets are another new creation that can give you access to more of the things you store under the sink. Don’t you hate having to get down on your knees and rummage through the back of the cabinet looking for something you need? With drawers, this is no longer a problem. Everything you have stored will appear when you pull out the drawer, and you will only have to bend down and grab it. These shelves are designed to fit into your cabinet around the pipes, making them an ideal solution for maximizing space under the sink.

There are also a variety of plastic trays designed to fit the space under the sink. Although these trays don’t pull out like shelves do, they help keep your cleaning supplies organized instead of allowing them to get mixed up and pushed behind other things. These trays provide a very inexpensive way to store items under the kitchen sink. Plus, they’re a barrier between the pipes and the wooden bottom of the cabinet, so water leaks won’t rot the wood.

A final solution to expanding the usable space under your sink is to purchase shelves and trash cans designed to hang on the back of cabinet doors. This offers a perfect way to keep things out of sight, yet within easy reach when you need to use them.


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