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The opportunity never comes, but once

The opportunity comes only once.

Now, let’s get real here. Do you believe that? Seriously?

Not so fast. Before thinking of an answer, consider this one too:

Opportunities are like buses. There is always another on the way.

This is just one of the many inspirational quotes from Richard Branson that you would love.

So looking at these two opportunity quotes, which one would you easily work with? You can see that I am not asking you which one you agree with. We can argue about their respective merits from here to eternity. So let’s leave that side alone, at least for now.

Who would your partner be as you strive to achieve more in your life? Is it the one-time home opportunity or the inspiring Richard Branson?

If you ask me the same question, I would gladly look up the Richard Branson quote. I just hate anything that seeks to humiliate my spirit.

Had I taken the former as gospel truth, years ago I would have become a frustrated underperformance, with no energy to keep fighting. I wouldn’t even have the motivation to keep posting on this site.

Fortunately for me, despite difficult times, I have refused to give up because I honestly trust that as long as there is life inside of me, I have the opportunity to fight to impact the world in the wonderful way that I can.

It has been proven countless times that regardless of how many times one has wasted one’s chances in the past, the universe still has a lot to offer to those who refuse to easily give up trying.

The only time failure becomes the enemy of success is when you don’t learn your lessons after you’ve made a big mistake. That is why we have another saying that says:

Those who quit never win, and winners never quit.

As much as there is some wisdom in the old adage, opportunity does come, but once, I will not advise you to let it linger in your mind. People who allow this idea of ​​opportunity to come only once to condition their attitude on whatever they do are prone to give up on their dreams too easily as soon as they run into a problem or two down the road.

Every once in a while, each of us fails at something or we miss out on a golden opportunity to do something really great in our lives. Should you stop trying to make an impact on your world every time you run into failure? Will you quit just because you say the opportunity comes only once?

If you watch the movies or read the stories about the lives of high achievers like Frank Sinatra, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, and Winston Churchill, you will marvel at the myriad of missed opportunities they all had to face. with along the way to their individual glories.

The next time you make a mistake that causes you to miss an opportunity, never throw in the towel. The creator of our universe of overflowing abundance has many more opportunities available to you. Get up if you ever fall. Reinvent yourself and start moving once more if something stops you or derails your plans. Before long, a much greater opportunity will come.

And who knows, you may even thank God for missing the old one so that you can now make the most of, and possibly more rewarding, the new one.

When one door closes, another door opens.

Just keep this in mind always. A particular opportunity may come only once in your life, but it’s good to know that the myriad varieties of opportunities in the universe are really like buses – you’ve got everything you need to seize the next one … and the next. .. and the next … that will certainly come your way.


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