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Top Staten Island Attractions – Part II

We have discussed Staten Island, its heritage, popular features, world famous ferry and other important attractions. So far we have described the Staten Island Ferry, Postcards, Staten Island Yankees, Staten Island City Hall and the Staten Island Museum, now we will continue with other top Staten Island attractions.

Garibaldi-Meucci Museum The museum is described as the home of Italian-American pioneers. Staten Island was the residence of the prominent Italian political refugee Antonio Meucci, best known as the true creator of the telephone, and Garibaldi, the noted revolutionary, moved to Staten Island in 1850 before returning to Italy.

Jacques Marchais Museum The museum is undoubtedly one of the best museums in the world dedicated to ancient Tibetan arts and culture. The museum resembles a Himalayan mountain monastery and is filled with a vast collection of Jacques Marchais. At the time of its opening, the museum was one of the first institutions of its kind. Today, the museum features exhibits and a library, and holds regular workshops on yoga and meditation.

Snug Harbor Cultural Center Originally built as a retirement home for sailors, the Snug Harbor Cultural Center is home to several art galleries, beautiful gardens, and provides an opportunity to learn maritime history. This cultural center is a prominent cultural destination. The center has the second largest music hall in New York City, providing an opportunity for local artists and musicians to showcase their talents.

Staten Island Botanical Garden The Staten Island Botanical Garden is a 53-acre group of gardens featuring natural woodlands along with 20 specimen gardens. This garden installation illustrates the Victorian elegance of a traditional garden combined with imaginative and fun gardens for audiences of all ages. The secret garden, the butterfly garden, the Tuscan garden, the healing garden and the sensory gardens are some of the specialties of this place.

Staten Island Children’s Museum This is the place especially for cheers and smiles. This museum occupies 40,000 m2. foot area full of fun and adventure for the kids. Here children can watch butterflies emerge from their cocoons, drive a dog sled on the tundra, watch the queen bee busy with attendants working in a hive. This museum is a great place for children to learn while they play.


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