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Treat sciatica with exercise

As a sciatica sufferer, I wanted to know not only how to relieve the pain when it happens, but also how I could control it or prevent it from happening.

First of all, what is sciatica? – Sciatica is described in many ways: dull ache, shooting pain, stinging, numbness and incredible discomfort. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that begins in the lower back and runs through the buttock and down the lower extremity. It is the longest and widest individual nerve in the body.

The sciatic nerve is the main nerve in the leg and the largest in the body. It runs from the base of the spine, along the back of the thigh to the knee, where it divides into branches. It supplies almost all of the skin of the leg, the muscles of the back of the thigh, and those of the leg and foot. The pain usually radiates down the back of a particular leg, possibly down the calf, ankle, or foot.

If sciatica persists, it can cause a numb or tingling sensation. This is usually the result of the body’s inability to send pain signals to the brain from the leg. Along with the numbness, a person with sciatica may experience weakness in an affected limb. This can lead to limping or dragging of one foot, bending of the knees, and difficulty rising from a sitting position. In this case, sciatica treatment is required.

What causes it? – Sciatic pain is usually caused by compression of this nerve at the point where it leaves the spine. Nerve damage can also cause pain. In young and middle-aged adults, the most common cause of sciatica is a prolapsed disc. In older people, changes in the spine due to conditions such as osteoarthritis may be responsible. Sometimes just sitting awkwardly can cause sciatica.

What are the symptoms? -Sciatica usually only affects one leg. Pain can be felt in the buttock, in the back of the leg, below the knee, and in the foot. Such bread can be mild or harsh; it may be persistent or come in spasms. People with sciatica may also experience numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness in the affected leg. It can get worse when coughing or moving, and is sometimes accompanied by lower back pain.

Which is the treatment? – Sciatica sometimes resolves without treatment. However, if this is not the case, the following may be prescribed: Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory Medications, Physiotherapy and/or massages, etc. The benefits of proper exercise will often bring relief without the dependency on drugs.


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