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what makes a good movie

Art is a reflection of our society and life and movies are often considered modern expressions of art. They make us laugh and cry and many times we love to quote them, they edify us, they enlighten us.

Every year there are numerous movies made in the entertainment industry, but not all of them are liked: some top the charts while others are pushed out of the box office. Some become the hot topic of discussion for the critics, while others simply escape their attention, in short, some get a hit while others a knock down.

But how many of these, which get a positive response, are really good movies? Well, it’s not as simple to answer as it seems. The subject is very subjective. What seems good to some may not be to others. What seems nice to a few may be nice to others. So what exactly is a good movie? To generalize, we can say that those films that are liked by the masses and not by some category of class of people, could be considered as a good film. But what are the traits that are needed for a movie to qualify as good? First of all, a movie must provide good entertainment. Of course there are others:

Touches our feelings: A movie should touch our hearts and make us talk or think about it instead of just becoming a time pass. It must have the ability to teach us and inspire us and provoke us emotionally.

Educational: You should be able to tell us about something new. Today, movies are considered to be one of the most effective educational tools that are used to teach or educate people on certain topics. In short, a good movie must have some educational value for the masses.

Mirror of Society: A good movie should also provide some elements of encouragement and inspire people to successfully overcome barriers. Movies are seen as the mirror of life. Every story in a movie is more or less inspired by our lives, by what happens around us.

But this is not all; There are some other factors that also contribute to a movie being considered good. The following are the points:

The plot: This is the most important part of the movie. Without a good plot, a movie fails to attract and retain viewers in theaters. Even if they were initially attracted to each other for some reason, people would lose interest sooner rather than later.

The Characters: The second most significant factor in any good movie is the characters in the story. Without them there would be no story or plot. The characters must be such that the audience likes them. Either a positive or negative character. They must have some qualities that people can identify with.

Actors: We need good actors to make a good movie. The actors, who can justify the characters and make them, come to life in front of the audience. They must be able to portray the characters well so that people say that the characters are made with them in mind. They should blend in with the characters.

Screenplay: Without dialogue, movies seem dead. The script is the life of the films, so they must be very strong and attractive. They can even get people to come and watch the movie repeatedly.

Last but not least, the visual display of a movie with beautiful scenes and settings can also influence and attract people to theaters.


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