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Be Radiant, Extract Know Thyself: A Woman’s Guide to Fullness, Radiance, and Ultimate Confidence

Partial Extract, Chapter 5

be radiant

To be radiant is to be centered in your divine nature and truth at all times.

It is seeing yourself as a spiritual gift and the creator of your life’s circumstances instead of seeing yourself as a victim of your life’s circumstances.

How you see yourself is one of the most important facets of feeling radiant. If you see yourself as “less than” everyone else, then this false view will make you feel “less than.” And you will suffer. On the other hand, if you see yourself as an equal and divine member of the human race, you will feel your equality and divinity.

You must first incorporate correct mindfulness; you must live as a conscious being. Extinguishing any negative views of yourself is essential if you want to know the peace of being who you are, no matter what your external conditions are.

Many women have gone through and triumphed over much. We admire them, their courage, their faith in themselves. What does it take to believe in yourself?

It takes living in your truth and having the courage to express your truth in every moment of your life. Your truth is not negotiable. Once you deny your truth to please another, your self-confidence will greatly diminish. Alternatively, when you decide to be true to yourself at all times and under all circumstances, you will radiate glowing self-esteem.

Believing in yourself also means taking a simple inventory of your true purpose, how you serve, and what forms of service bring you the greatest joy. If you are a parent, giving love and support to your children is a gift of service that will fill your heart with joy.

If you are a writer, the words you write can bring comfort and understanding to others who are struggling, so writing is an expression of a sacred part of your being. When you receive letters about the words you’ve spoken and the difference you’ve made to others, the joy is pure; but it is not a condition of your worth.

Whether or not someone likes the words you write makes no difference to your intrinsic value as a spiritual human being.

Spirituality in your creative process

Your soul, your spirit is filled with eons of experiences accumulated from life to life.

During this new era, we are clearing karmic patterns, releasing all negative falsehoods about ourselves, in order to shine as the spiritual beings that we are.

This is a time for deep cleaning, renewal, and new life. It is a sacred time where every belief you have ever held will be challenged by the experiences of your daily life.

You will be forced to decide what really matters to you and how you want to spend the rest of your life. If you are excited to be alive, if you feel that you matter regardless of what you have on the outside, if you are living in the moment when every divine and extraordinary idea is given to you, in the moment, then your life will be filled with much more peace.

If you look outside of yourself for validation or to acquire something to feel like you matter, this struggle will leave you feeling like a bottomless pit that can never be filled.

Its value never depends on external conditions. It depends solely on inner peace and living in accordance with your highest truths in the moment – ​​this moment.

The courage to change

Many women face situations where they feel miserable and falsely believe that they should stay in their miserable circumstances. This false belief generates more insecurity and reduces your self-esteem. To really shine and shine from the inside out, you may need to take some of the bigger risks you’ve been so afraid to take, so that the truth of your actions can match the truth that you feel deep down inside.

Once you take a chance and really listen to your inner voice, the one that tells you to get rid of any condition, person or circumstance that is causing misery in your life, once you take a chance on being true to yourself. , you will begin to shine and radiate more confidence than ever before.

You see, becoming whole requires complete truth in oneself.

Honoring your own truth becomes radiance.

Living in accordance with your truth and the intrinsic joy of being genuinely of service to yourself and others in your unique way leads to both supreme confidence and a life filled with peace.

Nothing on the outside can turn your world upside down once you find your inner truth and live by it in every moment and circumstance you face.

No experience in your life can lead you to contemplate taking your own life when you are actually aware that the experiences are just that, experiences, and never constitute your value as a spiritual being, as a woman, as an equal member. of the human race.

No matter what someone has ever told you about yourself, if it feels demeaning in any way, it’s a lie, because you weren’t born with it.

Even though you have made many mistakes or done many “wrong” things in your life, your soul is still pure and you can follow your truth. Thus, you can create a whole new life from the bottom up once you realize that the ultimate moment of now is your starting point, as well as the place you must always stay if you want to be focused, effective. , useful for yourself and for others. , and the great soul that you came to be in this life.

Partial chapter excerpt © Copyright Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All rights reserved. of Know Thyself: A Woman’s Guide to Fullness, Radiance, and Ultimate Confidence. Published by The Rose Group – January 1, 2005 Available via Amazon.Com ISBN: 0974145742


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