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Health Fitness

Monsters in the closet: how drug addiction took over my life

I was the girl that no one expected. The nerdy little girl who always smiled and laughed but always kept to herself. I didn’t go out. I didn’t go to a party. I didn’t do the normal teenage things that…

Cut out Sugar and Eat Saturated Fat to Fight Obesity – Part 3

Cut out sugar, eat more fat and be leaner and healthier. Adapting to a sugar-free diet that has far fewer carbohydrates than today’s “normal” diets that increase obesity means having to substitute something else for sugars. That ‘something’ is healthy…

Gelatin, an important ally to lose abdominal fat

Nutritionists talk about the benefits of gelatin for health and beauty. Tasty, refreshing and easy to prepare, gelatin has been treated for many years as a food for children. But after several studies, experts say that it brings health benefits…

How the Sankom Swiss Diet Program Works

Sankom’s Swiss Diet Program is a health-promoting, natural, dietary fiber-based weight loss system. Developed over many years by a team of doctors and scientists. Received a gold award for best dietary product at Expo 2010, the world’s largest exhibition of…

The truth about bottled spring water

Have you taken a look lately at the label on your ever-present bottle of spring water? It probably says something like “mountain spring water”. Now, look closely at the full-color drawing that also graces the label—in this case, a bottle…

Hives and weight loss: the relationship between hives and excess weight

The relationship between hives and weight loss is complicated; the drugs used in the treatment; Antihistamines have the side effect of weight gain, so special attention should be paid to the progress of patients. Additional steps must be taken to…

Stationary bikes vs. Treadmills

You have decided that you want to exercise at home. There are hundreds of home cardio equipment available. The most popular are treadmills and stationary bikes. When deciding between the two, you should compare long-term sustainability, workout efficacy, and safety….

Gain weight and build muscle

Naturally thin people may be this way due to their genetics or low food intake which means they feel fuller faster leading them to eat less or a hormonal imbalance or high metabolism metabolizing the food they eat instantly, which…

Information on the 3MD Weight Loss Program

In recent years, the so-called 3MD diet is gaining popularity. This diet is also known as the 90-Day Gap Diet. It is based on two 90-day diet periods. The main advantages of this diet should be; clear, easy-to-follow rules and…

How to lose weight fast: a three-pronged approach

How to lose weight fast? This is a question often asked by people who are in a hurry to lose their excess weight. They may want to lose pounds quickly before the summer in order to have a better shaped…