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Fear is faith in wrong

What is your biggest fear? Have you ever thought about it? Do you have many fears and find it hard to distinguish which is the worst? Listening to the news or watching television can certainly give you something to fear, if you choose to believe what you are seeing and hearing.

Fear is faith in wrong.” ~ Joseph Murphy

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “seeing is believing.” But stop to consider what “seeing” really is. “Seeing,” in this case, begins with the information your eyes take in. The rest of what you “see” is filtered by all the years of programming you have stored in your mind. Then your conscious and subconscious mind receive all the data that they just received from your eyes. They then filter it through their past programming. And then, bingo presto, your perception of the information that was transmitted by your eyes appears. The same is true for all of your senses.

So maybe “see” isn’t necessarily “believe” after all. Now think again about your biggest fear. Joseph Murphy also said, “Whenever your subconscious accepts an idea, it immediately begins to execute it.” When you are afraid of something, you are creating that fear over and over again as your subconscious executes it. Every time you think about what you fear, you are giving your fear more energy. You are helping it to live, grow and feed on you! You keep it alive. And let’s face it, fear doesn’t feel good!

The next time fear knocks on the door of your mind, practice these three steps.

1. Acknowledge it. By walking away from it, you are resisting it. Stamina gives you more energy, so you don’t want to do that! Just acknowledge it. For example, you can say “Hey, afraid of lightning. I know you’re hanging around, but you don’t need to be here anymore.”

2. Then transform it. Bring your thoughts to your inner knowing. This is the place within you that is connected to all that is. This is the place of peace, happiness and joy. To access this place, you need to relax. Take a few deep breaths for a minute or two and focus only on your breathing. Relaxing and being still should be a main daily practice for you. The more you practice it, the easier it will become.

Once you are relaxed, think about the serenity you are experiencing. Think about your connection to all that is and how you are a unique, wonderful, good spirit, connected to all the beautiful energy in the universe. This is what lives within you right now. Peace, harmony and joy is what you are made of. Peace, harmony and joy. Now show that old worn-out fear that used to be yours: that peace, harmony, and joy are what you’re made of. Your beauty and uniqueness always triumph over fear. So there is no room at all for fear. Like Glinda, the Good Witch of the North said to the Wicked Witch of the West: “You have no power here! Go away, before someone drops a house on you too!”

3. Finally, create it. If it feels good, believe it! If it doesn’t feel right, transform it with your belief in yourself, your beauty, and your goodness, until it feels right. Put your faith where it serves you best. Remember it every time you think about it. “The reason I am here on this good earth is to experience the energy that I am: the goodness, happiness, and joy that make up my true spirit.” Say it over and over until you believe it. And then keep saying it! That feels good!

Here’s to your inner knowing becoming your outer knowing, as your spirit shines.


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