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How to get your ex boyfriend back by rejecting him

Getting your boyfriend back after a breakup is not easy. It requires a discreet plan along with strategic moves. However, before making any moves, you must first be in a position of power. If he is not, every move will meet resistance and his efforts will be in vain. And the worst thing is that your ex will have no respect for you.

It’s crucial that every move you make is made from a position of power. Be confident in both your actions and your words. Let it speak for who you are and what you want. It is important to note here that with the breakup, your boyfriend effectively owns the relationship between the two of you. By doing so, he is in a position of power where you are not. The deck is stacked against you… and as long as that’s the case, you’ll never get the upper hand.

Regaining his position

This is essential to recover it. What you really want to achieve here is to change his mind about how he sees you. It’s important that he sees you as someone worth dating and not just an ex. Make him see you as his equal instead of something he has to control.

I have no doubt that right now you are asking yourself the question: “How do I regain control of a relationship that ended?”

Actually it is not possible. However, what you can do right now is take some control away from your ex by getting his attention.

After the breakup, your boyfriend will see you in a certain way and it won’t be good, so you need to change that as soon as possible. His decision will be made unless you change it for him. Lucky for you, there are several ways to get your ex to notice you again and at the same time realize that he made a mistake by breaking up with you.

Understanding these methods and how they work will put you on the right path to getting it back.

Knowing why you want it back will help you get it back.

Do you know why you want to get back together?

If you haven’t asked yourself that question yet, now is a good time to do so. Is it because you love him? You miss him? I bet the reason you want him back is less complicated than you think. It’s because he rejected you.

Take a moment to think about that.

I’m pretty sure her immediate reaction to the breakup was to try to keep the relationship alive. But did you stop and really think about it? Maybe you’re better apart? The mistake you made here was that your response to the breakup was natural but thoughtful and defensive.

It is normal and natural to want to be loved, but at the same time it is also normal and natural to want what we cannot have. The moment the relationship ended was the moment you wanted to be loved by him, but you also wanted what you couldn’t have anymore.

But you know something he doesn’t. The door opens both ways. This is great for you because you can make your ex want to get back with you with this little trick.

Inside the mind of your ex boyfriend

“When I know a girl wants me back, I’m not interested in her at all. The fact that she’s still pursuing me is a reminder of why I broke up.”

“But something weird happens when she stops pursuing me. She’s instantly attractive again. Not being able to have her anymore makes you a full 180 from when you could have her anytime you wanted.”

To change the balance of power between you and your ex, the first step is to stop blaming yourself and seeing yourself as a victim. You may not see it in the mirror right away, but you are strong, confident, and have something valuable to offer…take advantage of this self-confidence because it is the key to getting it back.

The other thing you need to do is change the way you think about the “control” your boyfriend has. Even though he’s the one who finished, he doesn’t have full control over what you do next. There are things you can do that will influence the way he sees you. And the sooner you start working on yourself and making personal adjustments, the sooner he will notice you.

Finally, don’t obsess over the breakup. So your boyfriend broke up with you…it happens every day to women all over the world. This doesn’t give you a license to go around and throw a pity party for yourself. I suggest you go back and reread the part about seeing the breakup through your boyfriend’s eyes. Crying, begging and chasing him will not do it. As you work to restore your confidence, your actions and words will follow his lead, and your boyfriend will TAKE CARE of you.

Turn your ex around by rejecting him

What you want to achieve here is to make it seem like you are no longer interested in your ex. Up to this point, this is the exact opposite of what you’ve been doing, but I guarantee you that as soon as you slow down and stop chasing him, he’ll start to worry.

This simple but effective ploy will make it so your ex can’t get you out of their head. You may not think that he is that interested in what you are currently doing, but you would be surprised how fast and effective this is.

Since your ex is the one who broke things and you’ve been chasing him, he knows he can get you back whenever it suits him. This puts him in a position of power like the one I mentioned before because he allows her to do whatever he wants during the breakup.

However, when you start doing your thing, something magical happens. Your ex has to face the reality that he could lose you. What’s even better is that “breaking up” with your ex puts them on the receiving end of rejection. Now I understand that you’re not technically dating, but when you take the lead and start doing your thing, you put yourself in a position of power.

At first, your ex broke off the relationship. But now you’ve turned him around. This is an integral part of getting your boyfriend back because now he has to analyze a relationship that could be lost forever. If you haven’t guessed yet, you are making your ex love you by not loving him.


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