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How to rebrand virtually ANY link or text in any PDF

Sometimes your clients tell you exactly what they are
looking at a product, and even pointing out features, or
hidden benefits of your existing products.

If you listen carefully, they even show you completely new things.
ways to market your products.

The perfect example, offering a powerful marketing lesson,
in our new Viral Document Toolkit, a PDF markup and

The Viral Documents Toolkit was designed to allow the user to
create or import and edit a text document or any document
created in Microsoft Office Suite, Open Office Suite,
or related programs. It can also easily handle any RTF

After editing the file in the Viral Documents Toolkit
“Constructor” that specifies which parts can be rebranded,
it is saved in a special file format (.vdt format).
That .vdt file, along with the Viral Document Toolkit
The “brand” is passed on to customers, joint venture
partners, affiliates, etc.

Those to whom it passes modifiable files open the
Viral Document Toolkit Brand, Navigate to
file that can be renamed is, and then open any file with the .vdt

Once the file is open, the program instantly recognizes
all parts of the document that can be renamed, and
shows them in a table where you can change any of them
that you choose.

Viral Document Toolkit software allows you to do
Plain text, hyperlinks, and editable embedded hyperlinks.
It even lets you designate HUGE blocks of text as
renameable (replaceable). You can also change the brand of hyperlinks
embedded behind the images.

One of our potential clients was watching a video of the
Viral Document Toolkit published on our site at:
[http://ViralDocument/Toolkits.com] and I noticed that the software
It allowed him to do MORE than he wanted to do.

As I watched the demo video and looked closely at the
types of files that can be opened within Viral
Document Creator, you noticed that the dropdown list was showing
not just Word, WordPerfect, RTF etc, it also showed various
PDF options.

This customer instantly bought the software because
I had several old PDF files that I wanted to update.
These files had links that no longer worked, and even
sections of text that were no longer accurate. He saw this
as the perfect tool to solve those problems.

When the customer bought and started using Viral Document
Toolkit, you noticed that your version did NOT offer the
option to open existing PDF documents.

He got VERY upset and quickly let us know, accusing
us to “mislead customers”.

We explained that the Viral Document Toolkit is never
intended to allow you to modify existing PDFs and that
he couldn’t do that. That ability never crossed our minds
while we develop the software.

The customer insisted that he had seen the software program.
PDF as an option in the drop down menu in the demo video.

Going back and reviewing my own video, I discovered
that he was right. The Viral Document Toolkit
Let me find and open any PDF document that does not
password protected or encrypted. If it were password
protected, I would open it if I had the password.

Further investigation revealed what had actually happened. Viral
Document Toolkit uses converters and other “parts”
internal to software already on your machine to identify
what types of documents are on your machine that you can
handle. You can “see” just about anything that is part
Microsoft Office Suite, for example.

The program was also “watching” PDF converters that had
downloaded and installed on my laptop when I was working
in other projects. On several occasions I had documents
ONLY available in PDF that I needed in Word format to be able to
could update them. These were generally documents that I
had created or purchased the rights to change them, but that
I couldn’t locate the source files for.

With the converts already installed on my machine, Viral
Document Toolkit did have the ability to use the
pre-installed drivers / converters to change ANY PDF file that
I have except the ones that were encrypted or password
protected (where you didn’t have the password).

This client has pointed out a “hidden benefit” of
using our software that we weren’t even looking to create. What
customer had pointed out a completely new segment of the
market for us.

That client had shown us that we did indeed have a
software that would allow you to rebrand almost any
link in any PDF document.

Needless to say, you must not rape
copyrights or licenses when changing PDFs. However, a
Observing the client taught us “How to make a mark in a practical way
Any link in any PDF “


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