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Pool Maintenance Basics

With random Texas sunshine and Gulf Coast rain, your pool may be subject to rapidly changing conditions that require the most stringent maintenance procedure. Still, without real winter weather, a well-maintained pool can be a great source of home enjoyment year-round. From relaxing naps to strenuous water rides, swimming and exercise, this is an opportunity to get acquainted with simple pool maintenance in Houston and a chance to contact local Houston pool professionals about issues with your installation.

As most homeowners understand, the initial step to good maintenance is clean water, particularly chlorine and pH levels. Do an act of kindness for yourself and your pool – buy a water test kit along with your chemical management and use it. If you use your pool every day, you should check the water every day. For less regular use, you’ll still want to check the clarity of the water at least every few days. It is important to understand that it is better to err on the side of caution about chlorinating your pool. Many more problems can arise with low levels of chlorine than with high levels.

Other daily maintenance should include checking the filter pressure, the strainer basket, and the overall pump and hose assembly. Every week, or more regularly as needed, scrub your pool walls and lines with a brush or mechanical cleaner. Unfortunately, even diligent homeowners can find problems with their pool from even seemingly minor problems. A loose hose, a faulty pump, and an outdated filtration system can all be problems that ruin your best maintenance program. Worse yet, it can be tricky to sort out what can be treated without help and what expert service entails.

Here are some things to ponder about pool maintenance, repair and renovation in Houston. Of course, one solution to this problem is to package up pool problems that may be beyond your ability to repair and ponder new installations. It may be time to do more than just keep your old installation. Mainly, for pools that have seen many years, it may be time to change the pool pump or filtration system. In particular, older above ground pools were often installed with insufficient filtration assemblies. For best convenience and performance, consider pool add-ons such as automatic pool cleaners, covers, fences and heaters. For a more sumptuous pool, you might consider a complete overhaul, including a pool deck or patio and scenic landscaping.

Below is a review of the cost of pool maintenance in Houston. Obviously, each type of service has a different cost associated with it. There aren’t many things as difficult as having a beautiful pool that you can’t use as a result of a seemingly minor problem spiraling out of control. Before your pool problem ends up marring your summer, you should at least talk to a Houston pool expert. Various contractors will offer you free suggestions in hopes of soliciting your potential business. Likewise, pool service providers who service your pool once may present you with a price cut for repeat business in the future.


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