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Two very easy magic tricks to confuse your friends

We all love some magic tricks and being able to do them yourself and baffle your friends is even better. Here are two very easy magic tricks that you can do using just a pack of cards.

First, try the following magic trick.

Right, this is a very simple trick and it just involves a bit of sleight of hand and misdirection to make it successful. Gather an audience (or your video camera if you want to become a YouTube star) and then have one person from your audience choose a card from your deck of cards. When they are memorizing the card, you simply turn over the card that is on the bottom of the deck. It will then be facing the other way and you should flip the deck over so it looks like a normal deck of cards. That’s where the misdirection comes in: you obviously don’t want your audience to see you doing that essential part of the trick. Now ask them to put the card back in the deck and then tell them that you will magically uncover the card they think of. Simply place the card behind your back and then flip over to the top card. Tell them that the card they chose has been turned upside down and then let them check the deck to find it.

Then you can try this one.

This is an equally simple trick to pull off that employed the same kind of tricks to confuse your audience. Just shuffle the cards and then take a quick look at the card at the bottom. Now drop the cards from the bottom to the floor one by one and tell someone to say stop when you have reached ten. Now pick up the cards you’ve dropped and stack them, making sure to place the card you’ve memorized (the one from the bottom of the deck) back on top of the pile. Now show them this card, but don’t show yourself, and then have them shuffle the pack. Now just look through the deck and surprise them as you choose the card you memorized.

These two simple tricks are sure to baffle your friends at the next social gathering you attend.


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