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Are you dating a toxic man? How to end your toxic relationship and get your life back

Are you in a toxic relationship? Do you want to finish it, but you are not sure how?

A toxic relationship can cause you damage, physically and emotionally. Sometimes you can be in a toxic relationship and not even know it.

Dating is the time when most people do their best. So if you’re seeing the warning signs of a toxic relationship, it may be time to end it.

Here are some steps to help you recognize and end a toxic relationship:

Recognize: Acknowledge that there is a problem. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook things. But does he always seem to be making up for something he’s done to hurt you? Take off your rose-colored glasses and see the situation for what it is. You must admit that a problem exists before you can resolve it.

Identify: Does he criticize you, complain, drain you, shame you, or blame you for everything that happens in his life? Those are just some of the warning signs of a toxic relationship. If you see that he is showing these signs now while you are dating, believe me, things will not get better with time. As you become more comfortable, your true personality will start to show and these behaviors will get worse.

Analyze: You need to decide if the positive aspects of your relationship outweigh the negative. If you don’t look at the relationship and see for yourself that the cost of maintaining the relationship is too high, you’re likely to give up and go back to him.

Communication: Face him. Try to be neutral. This is not the time for anger on his part. Tell him what bothers you about his behavior and how he makes you feel. You can ask him to change the behavior if you want to give the relationship a chance. If not, cut all ties with him.

Separation: Get away. You need to heal. Even a few days in a toxic relationship can cause damage. Recover your happiness and self-esteem. Take time to assess what is important to you. Create a support network of friends and family. Start to see why you accepted this toxic man into your life.

Rules and limits: It is necessary to establish clear rules and limits. Set a standard of behavior for yourself and any man you allow into your life. Commit to rebuilding your life so that you prevent toxic people from entering it. If that means getting professional help or joining a support group, do so. Do what you have to do to make sure all your future relationships are healthy.

Zero tolerance: Over time your rules and limits will become part of your life. You will have set your limits and probably tested them. But you must have a zero tolerance policy for toxic people. Never put yourself in another situation where your self esteem and self esteem is trampled on by someone. Always be on the lookout for these negative people and be prepared to remove them from your life as soon as you can.

Following these steps will allow you to end your toxic relationship. Take back your life. And get ready to make healthy relationship decisions.

Psychologist Dr. Lillian Glass, author of “Toxic People,” says you’re in a toxic relationship if you feel dragged down, angry, drained, deflated, belittled, or confused when interacting with a person. A healthy relationship, by contrast, makes you feel energized, powerful, and good about yourself.

Which one do you want?


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